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Kotin's Notes
Excerpts from small blue leather journal.
A giantman brigand shouts, "Die, ya egg-shell!"
A giantman rogue feints to the right, but you aren't fooled for a second.
How NOT to escort
I was helping Rioja on her FIRST escort (Zul Logath from the Landing).
[Upper Trollfang]
You are standing at a broad T-intersection. The main road appears to run east to west while a smaller street runs off to the north. To the south can be seen a grove of large willow trees. You also see a hill troll, a human traveller, some studded leather and a spear.
Also here: Rioja, Lord Evician
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Rioja swings a jade-hilted curved vultite warblade at a hill troll!
AS: +182 vs DS: +112 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +89 = +193
... and hits for 33 points of damage!
Hesitant slash to the hill troll's upper right arm!
Just a scratch.
Evician launches a quick bash with his vultite greatshield at a hill troll!
[Roll result: 89 (open d100: 23)]
Evician's bash connects!
The hill troll is unaffected by Evician's futile bash!
Evician swings a thick-bladed white ora sword at a hill troll!
AS: +223 vs DS: +108 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +51 = +193
... and hits for 33 points of damage!
Feint to the hill troll's head!
Quick flick at his weapon hand!
Nasty cut to right hand!
A human traveller stares wide-eyed with fear and awe at a hill troll. <--- I sees this fear, sos I decide to act
A hill troll's flesh wounds regenerate some.
A hill troll's right arm regenerates and looks fully healed.
A hill troll heads east. <---- I not sees this
.att tr <------ Travelers should consider taking on new identities while traveling--to avoid bandits and, uh, accidents.
[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
wear my greatshield
You sling a scratched villswood greatshield over your shoulder.
stance off
attack tr
You are now in an offensive stance.
You swing a sharpened steel claidhmore at a human traveller!
AS: +290 vs DS: +155 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +13 = +179
... and hit for 69 points of damage!
Deep slash to the human traveller's left forearm!
The human traveller is stunned! <---- He survived the first strike!
You feel your steel claidhmore straining back towards your foe! Taking advantage of this, you manage to effortlessly reverse your momentum and strike again! <--- But my claidhmore and I happens to be best buddies
You swing a sharpened steel claidhmore at a human traveller!
AS: +290 vs DS: +127 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +78 = +272
... and hit for 148 points of damage!
Shot to neck sends the human traveller into shock which leads very quickly to death.
The traveller falls to the ground, dead!
A human traveller appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form. <--- I'd say so!
A human traveller's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
The warm glow fades from around a human traveller.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
Evician blinks at you.
Rioja exclaims, "Oh my!"
Rioja gawks at you.
Rioja says, "Well."
You heartily say, "Looked like a troll."
You can't search the traveller.
A hill troll just arrived! <-- that troll returned to fight!
A human traveller's body decays into compost.
A hill troll limps east. <--- saw the dead traveler and decided it best to leave
Evician grins at Rioja.
You heartily say, "Well... that was abrupt."
Evician grins at you.
Rioja cackles at you!
You heartily say, "That guy complained too much anyway."
Rioja cackles at you!
Rioja asks, "Don't they always?"
Rioja says, "You don't do that with your travellers."
You heartily say, "My travelers stay out of my way."
You nod once.
Evician grins at Rioja.
Rioja laughs!
Rioja says, "Rhet's not gonna like this."
Rioja laughs!
Evician monotonously says, "No, no he isnt."
Rioja says, "Might be cross."
Sevendust just arrived. <-- coulda used some pest control earlier
Sevendust just went west. <--- he ain't got no time for that!
Evician monotonously says, "Cross...yeah thats the word i was looking for too."
You heartily say, "New page in my notes: How NOT to conduct an escort."
[Adventurer's Guild, Office]
Pushed against the polished mahogany walls are matching leather armchairs separated by gilt-edged end tables. Twirling gently from its chain overhead, the clacking prisms from the crystal chandelier produce a soft melodic chime. Directly beneath the fixture rests an oval shaped desk inlaid with blue lapis lazuli along its edges. Tucked at the back of the room, the dried and well-preserved carcass of a mammoth arachnid rests within a glass display case. You also see Guild Taskmaster Rheteger.
Also here: Lady Florania
Obvious exits: northwest
Rioja and Evician followed.
Lady Florania just went northwest.
You grin at Guild Taskmaster Rheteger.
Rioja confers quietly with Taskmaster Rheteger.
Directions towards the Adventurer's Guild: Northwest.
Evician grins at you.
The direction reminder has been shut off.
Rioja shuffles her feet.
Evician glances at Rioja.
Speaking monotonously to Guild Taskmaster Rheteger, Evician says, "Well you happened like this."
Speaking heartily to Rioja, you ask, "In trouble?"
Rioja says, "Not penalized." <--- Because Rheteger understands that some travelers just need to go.
Rioja says, "Phew."
Rioja slowly empties her lungs.
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